Ventura Healing Center.
Integrated Energy Work

This is probably the best part of what I do, it is so effortless and most effective. No one need believe in anything, one just has to set back, relax and allow energy to find its way to all the trouble spots in our lives and heal them. It is easier than it sounds. Call 805-275-2289 to set up your free 20minute energy session and experience the difference. I have witnessed miracles since I was a young child and has worked with elements and an energy forever. I have received formal teachings since 2002 in various forms of this work and astral travels into the Spirit world.
I do a combination of various modalities Reiki, Huna, Pranic, Crystal, Sound, Munay-Ki and so much more. The names are adopted by human, energy is beyond names and forms. Knowing how to tap into it and channel it, we all need a teacher to guide us and a willing conduit to allow it to flow through for healing purposes alone. I do long distance healings and also work with clients who would like healing with and for the past and healings into the future.
Reiki: Dr Mikao Usui, of many things a Buddhist monk, started a Reiki organization in Japan soon after rediscovering Reiki. After he went into transition the work has been continued by those initiated into the lineage.
Huna: This is the ancient Hawaiian method of living, healing and being. Working with four elements known to man in nature, the practitioner takes the client through phases of overcoming blockages and reaching goals and manifesting dreams.
Munay-Ki rites: There are 9 level of rites available initially from Spirit to man and now is transmitted from man to man. From homo-sapiens we are transforming into homo-luminous beings. The Incas and the Laikas of the Peruvian Andes have preserved these rites for over 26,000 years which they carried with them as they crossed the Baring Straits on their route from the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. Today anyone can tap into this field of energy and slow down even reverse their aging process. Their is a caviat to this. There can be no exchange of money for offering the rites, for it to work for the receiver and the sender.