Ventura Healing Center.

Handwriting Analysis

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy focus on reprogramming the subconscious mind. But how do you know what to reprogram. While most of us can pretty easily figure out what is going on in our conscious minds, understanding the unconscious mind can appear to be a difficult, if not impossible task.

One of the techniques used to by hypnotherapists and others to understand the subconscious is handwriting analysis. Why? Because handwriting requires the conscious and subconscious minds to work together. While the conscious mind actively thinks of which letter to use, the subconscious mind affects letter placement, size and style.

Employers use this technique to assess candidates. And while some may think that their conscious mind can fool the evaluator, this process has mechanisms built in to prevent that from happening.

You see, when you start to write, the beginning 4-5 lines reveal how we want the world to see us. For those trying to fool the person doing the assessment or in serious denial, this may extend further but it becomes obvious when the switch is made from desired perception to personal perception. We call that the mid section of the evaluation and this is where you will reveal what you want in life. Your desires come out here. They help to paint a picture of the life your subconscious mind envisions. At the end our subconscious reveals itself. There hidden truths that you were not consciously aware of come to light as you open the connection between the conscious and subconscious.

If you have your handwriting analyzed by a qualified hypnotherapist they will begin talking to you and helping you to shed whatever you walked in to the meeting with so that you can clear the way for a real assessment. Next they will give you a blank piece of paper and ask you to write. Their observations of what you do can be very revealing as you attempt to unlock your psyche and eliminate the barriers to your success.

Here is what they will observe:
Where you start on the page is very telling. If you start at the top of the page and leave little room it means you are leaving little room for others to add comments or suggestions in your life. You are afraid of the opinions and criticism from other people.
The amount of room that you use on the page tells how you feel about others in your life. If you use all the space on the page you are not leaving room for anyone else in your life. Their thoughts are not welcome in your world.
Starting from the left edge means you are all about other people and give too much of yourself.
If you write all the way to the right edge you are all about yourself and leave no room for others.
A balanced person leaves space on both sides so that there is room for people to be part of your life.
If your handwriting heads up on an unlined page then you believe that you are doing the right thing and believe in the possibilities in your life. You will keep going on a project until you complete it.
If it heads down there is an underlying negativity or disbelief in what you are doing and you are not inclined to finish what you start.
You can tell high or low self esteem by the – on the t. A normal self-esteem puts the – in the middle of the page.
If your you write a capital letter I and the vertical line doesn’t touch the top horizontal line you think you have a high self esteem. If the line on the bottom of the I is not touching, then it means you are not grounded with who they are; not connected.
When you write the letter capital D and leave it open on top you cannot keep secrets or tell lies.
If your small letter curve on your lowercase d if it is not touching the line you are not connected to your body either sexually or physically.

Interestingly enough many people don’t see themselves as they really are. They say they are one-way but have other underlying beliefs that tell a different story.

I had a tough experience with young lady recently who truly believed that she was giving and open to others. At a conscious level, she really believed this to be true. But when her conscious mind got overwhelmed she reverted to the subconscious level. She rejected opinions from others and left no room for input. She denied it. She fought against the message and me.

I used the writing analysis to show her that her subconscious mind was thinking something different. When her critical mind was overloading or tired, her true self would come out.

As we explored this idea she revealed that when she was six her father took an ice cream cone away from her in from of her friends and said he did not want her to become fat. It caused her to see herself as fat despite evidence to the contrary. She did yoga and exercised daily. She was beautiful and fit yet she held onto that comment in her subconscious. As she got older that belief gave her pain so she protected herself by rejecting input from others.

Using the handwriting analysis I helped her to see her subconscious beliefs. We used that information to help her make changes in her beliefs and free herself from those things that were limiting her and preventing her success. The concrete evidence freed her to make a change for the better.

Inversely you can use handwriting to create change. Another client, an attractive 45-year-old man who was very talented and full of good ideas, but never accomplished anything. He always got discouraged and quit. Relationships, jobs, projects – once they got when they got difficult he quit. To overcome this he worked on consciously writing in a straight line or slightly up. By consciously doing this over and over he was able to get the messages directly to the subconscious.

Handwriting is a powerful link between your conscious and subconscious minds. It reveals so much about beliefs and attitudes. It also empowers you to change your disempowering beliefs on a core level. So if you are confused, start writing. Before long your mind will clear the way for your success.