Ventura Healing Center.

Laughter: A Freeing Experience

November 9th, 2016

I have never been into politics or religion. This time I decided I would go against myself and voice my views on politics. I was wrong. Either years ago, when Obama won, I felt I knew he would win, because the nation would take a black man over a woman. I said Hillary's turn would come eight years later. It did, but the DNC messed it.
Right from the beginning, the DNC never wanted Bernie to win. Bernie's voice was the voice of the youth, the liberal, the socialist. It was silenced because everyone had to be heard and made happy among the democrats. All the promises Obama had made, could not be carried out, because of opposition. The elected Democrat wimps in the senate are too good for the GOP bullies. 
People are profit centered. What can I say? Obama promised change and the only change was a black family living in the white house.
Anyway, I decided no longer to stay in the sidelines and jump in and get vocal. I only used facebook. It became tough, so I started blocking people. I said to myself, if in real life, this person and I can't be friends, why should I have them as my facebook friends.
I started listening to late night shows on tv, which made fun of the ways of Trump and his followers non-stop. I had one thought run at the back of my mind all the time. "What will these comics do, when Trump gets elected?" That evening Trevor Noah said on "do you understand we cannot continue like this, if Trump wins?" I nodded my head in front of my laptop screen.
Anyway, this morning is that morning when no shows have been recommended to me by youtube. I just saw Stephen Colbert's show and I came out with the following two points.  #1 We won't have to worry about election for another four years. #2 Laughter is the best medicine.
Henceforth I will focus on laughter, not because I am smarter or better. I shall laugh, because life is an illusion. Everything and every relation is an illusion and temporary. I must do my best and then move on. The truth is "nothing lasts forever" and "I live my life by myself and so do you".
America must learn what just happened. Yes, we are all aboard a mule train and it is being lead by those who are here to focus just on themselves, so why not me?
I am here to know who am I. Every experience reveals a bit of my true nature. I am not from here and yet I am here for now, so let me make the most of it and help myself to live my life knowing nothing is mine. I must pay my rent money to rent space for me to sleep every night. Whatever that rent is, I must pay, because the space isn't mine to begin with.
Religion, I shall stay away from forever, politics too. My votes do not matter, I realize. My life my rules. I shall not waste any energy ever again on deciding which power hungry person is up there squabbling. It's all good. Namaste!  


Weekly Events:

We meet four times a week, every week in intimate settings of 12. R.S.V.P. Mandatory to reserve your spot. Smaller groups allow time for Q&A and discussions.

Mondays: 7-8:30PM FREE
Self Empowerment classes: In these 90mins you get an opportunity to experience, learn and share benefits of alternate therapies.Learn how the body and mind connect. Find out how and why alternative therapies work for cure, maintenance and prevention. Meet therapists who are specialists in their fields and right here in your neighborhood. Each evening a new modality is covered. R.S.V.P. 805.275.2289

Thursdays: 7-8:30PM Love offering $5
Guided group meditation for healing. You get to set your intention (bring them pre-written (optional). Last 30mins. is open for Q&A. Best place to learn to meditation or deepen your practice. R.S.V.P. 805.275.2289

Saturdays: 7-9PM Breakthrough to Prosperity.
*Would you like to get rid of those aches and pains? Cold hands and feet? Abdominal prosperity? Anxiety? Insomnia? Or anything else that you believe gets in your way to ultimate health. Aging is not an excuse. It is a dis-ease.

*How about finding out why every relationship turns out just like the previous one?

* What bout MONEY? Is there a ceiling factor as to how much you have at any point in your life?

Become a manifestation magnet in health, relationships and wealth in a 2 hour transforming workshop with NLP Trainer Sharmila Murthy M.S.,C.Ht.

Sliding scale of $11 - $20. R.S.V.P. 805.275.2289

Feb. 28 Mar.09 Mar.21 Apr.11 Apr.18 May.09 May.16 May.23
Jun. 06 Jun.20 Jul.18 Aug.15 Aug.22 Sep.5 Sep.26 Oct.10
Oct.17 Nov.21 Dec.19

Monthly Events:
4th Saturdays: 1 to 5 PM
Clear, Center, Ground and Connect to your higher self, angel and guide.

1/2 day workshop with Diana Castellanos, Adv.C.S.T., L.M.T., Reiki Master
Using angels, colors, crystals, guided imagery, guides and much more. You will be experiencing soul linking with yourself and others so you can send love and healing to others and for yourself. You will be linked to your higher self to be in connection clearly.

Prepaid $39 and $45 at the door.

Limited seating. R.S.V.P. 805.824.2614 OR

Massage Therapies

Massage Therapies:

Holistic Massage - A combination of Swedish (gentle, long strokes of light pressure), Petrasage (gentle kneading) and trigger point therapy (firm pressure on specific tight areas). Great for general relaxation and muscular tension release.

Lymph - Light pumping motions following the lymphatic system to reduce swelling and increase circulation. Good in conjunction with Liver/Bowel detoxification programs or chronic illness.

Fibromyalgia - A combination of Cranio-sacral, Swedish and Trigger Point therapy. This treatment is helpful for chronic pain management.

Basic Massage - Swedish massage with light to medium pressure best for relaxation

Thai/Shiatsu - An interactive manipulation of the body using passive stretching and pressure along energy lines. Therapeutic for chronic muscle tension and stiffness

Lypossage - treatment is a specific blend of massage modalities that derive from physical therapy, including Lymphatic Drainage and Myofascial Release. The specialized techniques used in Lypossage break down adhesive fibers that hold fat in uneven patterns (cellulite). These strokes also increase circulation to specific areas, helping your body’s fat cells metabolize and release the stored toxins.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy - Using light pressure/touch, cranio-sacral therapy is a non-invasive hands on healing that alleviates soft tissue restrictions from the skull and internal head (brain) to the sacrum (tail bone) increasing cerebral fluid circulation. Decrease pain, muscle stiffness and tension throughout the body and increase focus, memory and range of motion in your extremities. Head trauma, headaches, neck stiffness and right-left alignment issues respond well to this therapy.

Breakthrough Sessions

Negative emotions cannot become extremely debilitating. Fear, Anger, Hurt & Guilt seem to be the drug of circumstances today. Every human experiences them to a certain extent and for most of us, they prevent us from becoming ourselves. 

Ever wondered who you would be, if you broke through your limiting decisions and negative emotions?

Isn't it time the expiration date of the "blame game" is yesterday? 

What if today is the day when a single call could change your life forever?

Reclaim your life and overcome the emotions that have kept you back so long.

Call 805.275.2289 today or write to me at: for a 20 min FREE consultation.


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